
Poem Collections By Nilim Kumar
Reading Time: 4 minutes Traffic Jam As I drive out from homeI forget suddenlywhere I’m headed.But when I’m in a hurryand stuck in traffic jamsI grow…

Poetry: The Colossus By Sylvia Plath
Reading Time: < 1 minute I shall never get you put together entirely, Pieced, glued, and properly jointed. Mule-bray, pig-grunt and bawdy cackles Proceed from your great…

Poetry: Sonnet 153 By William Shakespeare
Reading Time: < 1 minute Cupid laid by his brand and fell asleep, A maid of Dian’s this advantage found, And his love-kindling fire did quickly steep…

3 Poems Of Rati Saxena
Reading Time: 3 minutes THE DEATH HYMN She was hungry as the death at the beginning of the universe and cold as death…

irabotee Literature: Four Poems by Nathalie Handal
Reading Time: 2 minutes Ways of Rebelling Who needs to be at peace in the world? It helps to be between wars, to die a few…

irabotee poetry: Four poems by Kahlil Gibran
Reading Time: 7 minutes On Children And a woman who held a babe against her bosom said, Speak to us of Children. And he…

irabotee poetry : Five poems by Chen Chen
Reading Time: 7 minutes I Invite My Parents to a Dinner Party In the invitation, I tell them for the seventeenth time (the fourth in writing),…